Guidance Services

The Division of Student Services, its programs and school-based professionals provide prevention and intervention services to PK-Adult students in support of schools throughout the District. Division program services center around the students’ skill development, and is delivered by an integrated team of student services professionals who are uniquely trained to address the academic, personal/social, career/community awareness and health and wellness development needs of all students. This is a systemic approach that delivers services to students and their families.

Key Division objectives applying to SAS include:

  • Maximizing student academic potential and performance;
  • Maximizing student personal, emotional and social growth and development;
  • Enhancing the learning environment;
  • Promoting and enhancing a healthy and safe learning environment;
  • Providing support to teachers, administrators and staff

The program structure supports educational reform initiatives and takes into consideration current social climate and the unique issues faced by the multicultural/multilinguistic populations enrolled in Miami-Dade County Public Schools. School support services provided via the Division are an integral and central part of the district’s total educational program. It is the mission of the Student Services area to provide the resources and the service support to insure that Miami-Dade County Public Schools attains its stated goals and fulfills its mission in terms of serving students.

Comprehensive Student Services PK-Adult Program, Board Rule 6Gx13-5D-1.091 Articulation, Transition and Orientation Guide, Board Rule 6Gx13-5B-1.042


The Division of Student Services supports the academic, career, and personal/social development of students in Miami-Dade County Public Schools by assisting school personnel, parents/guardians/caregivers, and the community to empower and encourage learners in the achievement of their maximum potential in a safe and effective learning environment.


  • To reduce barriers to student achievement and to provide a seamless transition for students PK-Adult.
  • To develop a Student Development Framework and monitor the implementation of school site student skill development plans based on the framework standards and benchmarks

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